news & events

Missed any of the Abington LaunchBox Spring 2020 Speaker Series events? Watch them here.

The Abington LaunchBox Speaker Series brings together business leaders, researchers, and entrepreneurs to provide actionable advice on best practices, tools, processes, and the culture of entrepreneurship.  Events in the Abington LaunchBox Speaker Series are available at no cost to business owners, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the community.

Archived events:

March 31, 2020: Leading During Uncertain Times

When managing 21st-century businesses, planning for the future is no longer good enough.  Companies need to focus on creating the future.  During this roundtable discussion with entrepreneurial leaders, we will explore how to demonstrate leadership amid high levels of uncertainty.

April 1, 2020: Design Thinking for Small Business Growth

As a business owner, your time is often consumed by building better products and services. Unfortunately, having a technically superior product or service does not always translate into business success.

This workshop uses a Design Thinking framework to look at 3 stories from big business success and translate them into meaningful and actionable direction for small business leaders. Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that focuses on a user-centered approach to create a solution.